A Guide to Cambodia's National Parks and Protected Areas

Sopheak Pich

Cambodia, a country located in Southeast Asia, boasts a diverse landscape and a rich natural heritage. From lush forests and stunning beaches to rolling hills and ancient ruins, Cambodia is a hub of biodiversity and a source of pride for its people. In order to protect this natural wealth, the Cambodian government has established several national parks and protected areas throughout the country, offering visitors and locals alike the chance to experience the country’s unique ecosystem and wildlife.

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Cliff view of Wat Sampov Pram at Bokor National Park – Kampot Province, Cambodia

One of the most well-known national parks in Cambodia is Bokor National Park, located in the southwestern province of Kampot. Bokor is known for its towering mountain, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The park is also home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including orchids, monkeys, and rare species of birds. Visitors to Bokor can hike through the lush jungle, go on bird-watching tours, or explore the abandoned French hill station, a fascinating relic of Cambodia’s colonial past.

Another popular national park in Cambodia is Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, located in the Cardamom Mountains in the southwestern part of the country. This park is known for its diverse and abundant wildlife, including elephants, tigers, and many species of primates. The park also boasts rich vegetation, with towering trees, dense forests, and sparkling streams. Visitors to Phnom Samkos can go on wildlife-watching tours, hike through the lush jungle, or explore the numerous waterfalls and caves within the park’s boundaries.

Ream National Park, located in the southwestern province of Sihanoukville, is another must-visit destination for nature lovers in Cambodia. This park is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush mangrove forests, making it a popular spot for swimming, fishing, and wildlife watching. The park is also home to several species of marine animals, including dolphins and sea turtles, making it an ideal destination for snorkeling and diving.

In addition to its national parks, Cambodia is also home to several other protected areas, such as the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri Province, the Virachey National Park in Ratanakiri Province, and the Botum-Sakor National Park in Koh Kong Province. These protected areas offer visitors the chance to explore Cambodia’s unique ecosystem and wildlife and provide vital habitat for the country’s diverse range of plant and animal species.

In conclusion, Cambodia’s national parks and protected areas offer visitors and locals alike the opportunity to experience the country’s diverse and abundant natural heritage. From towering mountains and pristine beaches to lush jungles and rich ecosystems, these protected areas provide a window into Cambodia’s unique landscape and provide valuable habitat for its diverse range of flora and fauna. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler, a nature enthusiast, or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, Cambodia’s national parks and protected areas are a must-visit destination.

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