Cambodia's Eco-Tourism: Discovering the Natural Beauty of the Country

Sopheak Pich
community tourism project, Sun Bear Bungalows, old wagon wheels decorating farmhouse balcony, Koh Kong Province, Chi Phat

Cambodia is a country blessed with an abundance of natural beauty, from its lush tropical forests to its pristine beaches and waterways. For those looking to experience the country’s natural wonders, eco-tourism is an excellent option. By choosing to travel in an environmentally-friendly way, visitors can not only discover the beauty of Cambodia, but also help to protect it for future generations.

Great Hornbill, Wildlife Alliance Release Station, Chi Phat, Cambodia

One of the best places to experience eco-tourism in Cambodia is in the Cardamom Mountains. This vast mountain range spans western Cambodia and southern Thailand and is home to a diverse array of wildlife and plants. Visitors can take a guided tour through the mountains and see rare animals such as the Asian elephant, sun bear, and the critically endangered Siamese crocodile.

Going up Tonlé San River by boat to enter Virachey National Park. Ratanakiri Province

Another popular destination for eco-tourism in Cambodia is the Virachey National Park. This park is located in the northeastern part of the country and is known for its pristine forests, waterfalls, and wildlife. Visitors can take a guided tour through the park and see a variety of different animals, including the Indochinese tiger and the Asiatic black bear.

For those looking to experience Cambodia’s marine life, the Koh Kong Conservation Corridor is an excellent option. This area is located on the southern coast of the country and is home to a wide variety of marine life, including dolphins, turtles, and a variety of different fish species. Visitors can take a boat tour and see the marine life up close.

Cambodia is also home to a number of community-based eco-tourism projects, which provide visitors with an opportunity to experience the local culture and way of life. These projects are typically run by local communities and provide visitors with an authentic experience of the country’s rural areas.

Cambodia, Ko-Hong – March 2016: 4 rivers tented jungle ecotourism hotel coming into view around a bend in the Kong River

When it comes to accommodations, there are a number of eco-friendly options available in Cambodia. Visitors can choose to stay in eco-lodges, which are typically built using sustainable materials and are designed to minimize their impact on the environment.

Wild Asian elephant in the jungle of Cambodia, South East Asia

Overall, eco-tourism is an excellent way to discover the natural beauty of Cambodia. By choosing to travel in an environmentally-friendly way, visitors can not only enjoy the country’s stunning landscapes and wildlife but also help to protect them for future generations. With its diverse array of eco-tourism options and accommodations, Cambodia is a great destination for those looking to experience the beauty of nature in an environmentally responsible way.

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