"The Best Kayaking and Canoeing Trips in Cambodia: A Guide to Exploring the Country's Rivers and Lakes".

Sopheak Pich


Cambodia offers some of the most spectacular kayaking and canoeing experiences on the planet. From breathtaking river views to hidden lakes, the country has plenty of natural beauty to be explored. From seasoned adventurers to those just starting out, there are plenty of options for paddling around Cambodia, so read on to discover some of the best places for kayaking and canoeing in the country.

Spectacular Kayaking and Canoeing in Cambodia

Cambodia is a dream destination for kayaking and canoeing. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced paddler, you’ll find something to love about traversing the country’s beautiful rivers and lakes. One of the most popular kayaking and canoeing spots in Cambodia is the Tonle Sap Lake, a large body of fresh water located in the heart of the country. The lake is home to many different species of fish, including the famous Mekong catfish. The area is also known for its picturesque floating villages, making it a great spot for taking in views of the stunning Cambodian landscape.

Other great kayaking and canoeing destinations around Cambodia are the Tonle Sap River and the Mekong River. Both rivers offer spectacular views as well as ample opportunities for fishing and wildlife watching. The waters are also relatively calm, making them suitable for beginners. Along the banks of the rivers, you can find various temples, pagodas, and ancient ruins, making it a great spot for exploring the country’s incredible history and culture.

Discover the Land’s Rivers and Lakes

The rivers and lakes of Cambodia are the perfect spot for discovering the country’s hidden gems. From tranquil waters to winding rivers, there are plenty of options for paddling around the country. One of the most popular spots for canoeing and kayaking is the Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary, located in the northwest region of the country. Here, you can explore the sanctuary’s vast wetlands while taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Additionally, you can observe a wide variety of birds and other wildlife that call the sanctuary home.

Another great spot for exploring the area’s rivers and lakes is the Kirirom National Park. This park is located in the central region of the country and is home to many stunning waterfalls and rivers. Here, you can paddle a kayak or canoe and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Additionally, the park is home to many different species of wildlife, making it a great spot for wildlife watching.


Cambodia offers some amazing opportunities for kayaking and canoeing. From peaceful lakes to amazing rivers, the country has plenty of natural beauty to explore. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced paddler, there are plenty of options for finding the perfect spot to paddle around Cambodia. So check out some of the country’s famous rivers and lakes and start exploring the country’s hidden gems today!

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