Cambodian Cuisine: Tasting the Flavors of the Kingdom

Sopheak Pich
Cambodian cuisine Beef Lok Lak with fresh vegetables close-up on a plate

Cambodian cuisine is a unique blend of flavors and spices that is sure to tantalize the taste buds of any traveler visiting the country. With a rich culinary heritage that has been shaped by centuries of cultural influences, Cambodian cuisine is a true reflection of the Kingdom’s diverse history and vibrant culture.

Amok, a traditional Khmer dish with chicken or fish, Battambang, Cambodia

One of the most popular dishes in Cambodian cuisine is amok, a traditional fish curry that is made with coconut milk, lemongrass, and a variety of spices. This dish is typically served with rice and is a must-try for any traveler looking to experience the flavors of Cambodia.

Insects, snakes, shrimp & eggs for sale at an open-air street stall on the riverside, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Indochina. credit: Kraig Lieb

Another popular dish is prahok, a fermented fish paste that is used as a condiment in many Cambodian dishes. It is an acquired taste and some people find it too strong, but it is a classic Cambodian staple and it is worth trying.

Insects, snakes, shrimp & eggs for sale at an open-air street stall on the riverside, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Indochina. credit: Kraig Lieb

In addition to these traditional dishes, visitors can also find a wide variety of street food in Cambodia. Grilled meats, noodles and rice dishes, and a variety of tropical fruits are all readily available and are a great way to experience the local flavors.

Famous traditional Cambodian Khmer delicacy, the Amok Fish. Vegetables and soya sauce

Cambodia is also home to a number of excellent restaurants, many of which serve a fusion of traditional Cambodian and international cuisine. Visitors can try a variety of different dishes, including French-inspired Cambodian cuisine, which is a reflection of the country’s colonial history.

Female Khmer vendor is selling ripe durian fruit on a roadside at Kampot, South Cambodia

Another popular Cambodian delicacy is the durian fruit. Known for its spiky exterior and pungent smell, durian is considered a delicacy in many Southeast Asian countries and is often used in desserts.


When it comes to drinks, visitors can also try traditional Cambodian drinks such as sugarcane juice or iced coffee. Another drink to try is fresh palm juice which comes in two versions, sweet and sour palm juice. You can find it more often in the countryside, usually, it’s more delicious to eat a bite of cook insects after you take a sip of Khmer palm juice.

Cambodian cuisine, stewed beef with baguette.

Overall, Cambodian cuisine is a delicious and diverse blend of flavors that is sure to delight any traveler visiting the country. With a rich culinary heritage and a wide variety of dishes to choose from, Cambodian cuisine is a true reflection of the Kingdom’s vibrant culture and history.

Cambodia, Kampot Province, Kampot, Bosjheng, Kon Sat, agriculture, La Plantation, signs at pepper plantation entrance

One of the best ways to experience Cambodian cuisine is by taking a cooking class. Many cooking schools and classes are available in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and other major cities, where visitors can learn about traditional Cambodian ingredients and techniques, and even get to cook their own meals.

Chef making traditional Cambodian meat dish at cooking class

In conclusion, Cambodian cuisine is an essential part of any trip to the Kingdom. Whether you are looking to sample traditional dishes or experience the flavors of modern Cambodian cuisine, there is something for everyone in this delicious and diverse culinary landscape.

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